Senin, 16 September 2013


1. Teori Atom John Dalton

Pada tahun 1803, John Dalton mengemukakan mengemukakan pendapatnaya tentang atom. Teori atom Dalton didasarkan pada dua hukum, yaitu hukum kekekalan massa (hukum Lavoisier) dan hukum susunan tetap (hukum prouts). Lavosier mennyatakan bahwa “Massa total zat-zat sebelum reaksi akan selalu sama dengan massa total zat-zat hasil reaksi”. Sedangkan Prouts menyatakan bahwa “Perbandingan massa unsur-unsur dalam suatu senyawa selalu tetap”. Dari kedua hukum tersebut Dalton mengemukakan pendapatnya tentang atom sebagai berikut:

Atom merupakan bagian terkecil dari materi yang sudah tidak dapat dibagi lagi
Atom digambarkan sebagai bola pejal yang sangat kecil, suatu unsur memiliki atom-atom yang identik dan berbeda untuk unsur yang berbeda
Atom-atom bergabung membentuk senyawa dengan perbandingan bilangan bulat dan sederhana. Misalnya air terdiri atom-atom hidrogen dan atom-atom oksigen
Reaksi kimia merupakan pemisahan atau penggabungan atau penyusunan kembali dari atom-atom, sehingga atom tidak dapat diciptakan atau dimusnahkan.
Hipotesa Dalton digambarkan dengan model atom sebagai bola pejal seperti pada tolak peluru. Seperti gambar berikut ini:


Teori dalton tidak menerangkan hubungan antara larutan senyawa dan daya hantar arus listrik.

2. Teori Atom J. J. Thomson

Berdasarkan penemuan tabung katode yang lebih baik oleh William Crookers, maka J.J. Thomson meneliti lebih lanjut tentang sinar katode dan dapat dipastikan bahwa sinar katode merupakan partikel, sebab dapat memutar baling-baling yang diletakkan diantara katode dan anode. Dari hasil percobaan ini, Thomson menyatakan bahwa sinar katode merupakan partikel penyusun atom (partikel subatom) yang bermuatan negatif dan selanjutnya disebut elektron.
Atom merupakan partikel yang bersifat netral, oleh karena elektron bermuatan negatif, maka harus ada partikel lain yang bermuatan positifuntuk menetrallkan muatan negatif elektron tersebut. Dari penemuannya tersebut, Thomson memperbaiki kelemahan dari teori atom dalton dan mengemukakan teori atomnya yang dikenal sebagai Teori Atom Thomson. Yang menyatakan bahwa:

“Atom merupakan bola pejal yang bermuatan positif dan didalamya tersebar muatan negatif elektron”

Model atomini dapat digambarkan sebagai jambu biji yang sudah dikelupas kulitnya. biji jambu menggambarkan elektron yang tersebar marata dalam bola daging jambu yang pejal, yang pada model atom Thomson dianalogikan sebagai bola positif yang pejal. Model atom Thomson dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:


Kelemahan model atom Thomson ini tidak dapat menjelaskan susunan muatan positif dan negatif dalam bola atom tersebut.

3. Teori Atom Rutherford

Rutherford bersama dua orang muridnya (Hans Geigerdan Erners Masreden) melakukan percobaan yang dikenal dengan hamburan sinar alfa (λ) terhadap lempeng tipis emas. Sebelumya telah ditemukan adanya partikel alfa, yaitu partikel yang bermuatan positif dan bergerak lurus, berdaya tembus besar sehingga dapat menembus lembaran tipis kertas. Percobaan tersebut sebenarnya bertujuan untuk menguji pendapat Thomson, yakni apakah atom itu betul-betul merupakan bola pejal yang positif yang bila dikenai partikel alfa akan dipantulkan atau dibelokkan. Dari pengamatan mereka, didapatkan fakta bahwa apabila partikel alfa ditembakkan pada lempeng emas yang sangat tipis, maka sebagian besar partikel alfa diteruskan (ada penyimpangan sudut kurang dari 1°), tetapi dari pengamatan Marsden diperoleh fakta bahwa satu diantara 20.000 partikel alfa akan membelok sudut 90° bahkan lebih.
Berdasarkan gejala-gejala yang terjadi, diperoleh beberapa kesipulan beberapa berikut:

Atom bukan merupakan bola pejal, karena hampir semua partikel alfa diteruskan
Jika lempeng emas tersebut dianggap sebagai satu lapisanatom-atom emas, maka didalam atom emas terdapat partikel yang sangat kecil yang bermuatan positif.
Partikel tersebut merupakan partikelyang menyusun suatu inti atom, berdasarkan fakta bahwa 1 dari 20.000 partikel alfa akan dibelokkan. Bila perbandingan 1:20.000 merupakan perbandingan diameter, maka didapatkan ukuran inti atom kira-kira 10.000 lebih kecil daripada ukuran atom keseluruhan.
Berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang didapatkan dari percobaan tersebut, Rutherford mengusulkan model atom yang dikenal dengan Model Atom Rutherford yang menyatakan bahwa Atom terdiri dari inti atom yang sangat kecil dan bermuatan positif, dikelilingi oleh elektron yang bermuatan negatif. Rutherford menduga bahwa didalam inti atom terdapat partikel netral yang berfungsi mengikat partikel-partikel positif agar tidak saling tolak menolak.

Model atom Rutherford dapat digambarkan sebagai beriukut:


Tidak dapat menjelaskan mengapa elektron tidak jatuh ke dalam inti atom.

4. Teori Atom Bohr

ada tahun 1913, pakar fisika Denmark bernama Neils Bohr memperbaiki kegagalan atom Rutherford melalui percobaannya tentang spektrum atom hidrogen. Percobaannya ini berhasil memberikan gambaran keadaan elektron dalam menempati daerah disekitar inti atom. Penjelasan Bohr tentang atom hidrogen melibatkan gabungan antara teori klasik dari Rutherford dan teori kuantum dari Planck, diungkapkan dengan empat postulat, sebagai berikut:

Hanya ada seperangkat orbit tertentu yang diperbolehkan bagi satu elektron dalam atom hidrogen. Orbit ini dikenal sebagai keadaan gerak stasioner (menetap) elektron dan merupakan lintasan melingkar disekeliling inti.
Selama elektron berada dalam lintasan stasioner, energi elektron tetap sehingga tidak ada energi dalam bentuk radiasi yang dipancarkan maupun diserap.
Elektron hanya dapat berpindah dari satu lintasan stasioner ke lintasan stasioner lain. Pada peralihan ini, sejumlah energi tertentu terlibat, besarnya sesuai dengan persamaan planck, ΔE = hv.
Lintasan stasioner yang dibolehkan memilki besaran dengan sifat-sifat tertentu, terutama sifat yang disebut momentum sudut. Besarnya momentum sudut merupakan kelipatan dari h/2∏ atau nh/2∏, dengan n adalah bilangan bulat dan h tetapan planck.
Menurut model atom bohr, elektron-elektron mengelilingi inti pada lintasan-lintasan tertentu yang disebut kulit elektron atau tingkat energi. Tingkat energi paling rendah adalah kulit elektron yang terletak paling dalam, semakin keluar semakin besar nomor kulitnya dan semakin tinggi tingkat energinya.


Model atom ini tidak bisa menjelaskan spektrum warna dari atom berelektron banyak.

5. Teori Atom Modern
Model atom mekanika kuantum dikembangkan oleh Erwin Schrodinger (1926).Sebelum Erwin Schrodinger, seorang ahli dari Jerman Werner Heisenberg mengembangkan teori mekanika kuantum yang dikenal dengan prinsip ketidakpastian yaitu “Tidak mungkin dapat ditentukan kedudukan dan momentum suatu benda secara seksama pada saat bersamaan, yang dapat ditentukan adalah kebolehjadian menemukan elektron pada jarak tertentu dari inti atom”.

Daerah ruang di sekitar inti dengan kebolehjadian untuk mendapatkan elektron disebut orbital. Bentuk dan tingkat energi orbital dirumuskan oleh Erwin Schrodinger.Erwin Schrodinger memecahkan suatu persamaan untuk mendapatkan fungsi gelombang untuk menggambarkan batas kemungkinan ditemukannya elektron dalam tiga dimensi.

Persamaan Schrodinger.

x,y dan z    :  Posisi dalam tiga dimensi
Y               :  Fungsi gelombang
m               :  Massa
ђ                :   h/2p dimana h = konstanta plank dan p = 3,14
E                :  Energi total
V               :  Energi potensial

Model atom dengan orbital lintasan elektron ini disebut model atom modern atau model atom mekanika kuantum yang berlaku sampai saat ini, seperti terlihat pada gambar berikut ini.

Awan elektron disekitar inti menunjukan tempat kebolehjadian elektron. Orbital menggambarkan tingkat energi elektron. Orbital-orbital dengan tingkat energi yang sama atau hampir sama akan membentuk sub kulit. Beberapa sub kulit bergabung membentuk kulit.Dengan demikian kulit terdiri dari beberapa sub kulit dan subkulit terdiri dari beberapa orbital. Walaupun posisi kulitnya sama tetapi posisi orbitalnya belum tentu sama.

Ciri khas model atom mekanika gelombang

Gerakan elektron memiliki sifat gelombang, sehingga lintasannya (orbitnya) tidak stasioner seperti model Bohr, tetapi mengikuti penyelesaian kuadrat fungsi gelombang yang disebut orbital (bentuk tiga dimensi darikebolehjadian paling besar ditemukannya elektron dengan keadaan tertentu dalam suatu atom)
Bentuk dan ukuran orbital bergantung pada harga dari ketiga bilangan kuantumnya. (Elektron yang menempati orbital dinyatakan dalam bilangan kuantum tersebut)
Posisi elektron sejauh 0,529 Amstrong dari inti H menurut Bohr bukannya sesuatu yang pasti, tetapi bolehjadi merupakan peluang terbesar ditemukannya elektron.

Minggu, 15 September 2013


nyesek banget ya kalo tdr jam 1 cuman dan HANYA untuk bikin tugas yang sangat mengerikan iniii tp tak papa la .. untuk nilaiiii wkwkwk



Atur warna background menjadi hitam.Klik OK
1. Klik menu File – New, Beri nama Efek Api. Ukuran :400 X 200 pixel, Background Contents :Background Color.Klik OK.

2. Klik Type tool , kemudian buat tulisan efek api dengan warna : Putih, Font: Comic Sans MS,Size: 72 pt.

3. Pada layer efek Api, klik menu Layer –Rasterize – Type untukme-raster layer menjadi satu kesatuan grafis.Jika sudah di-Raster, maka tulisan tidak bisa diedit menggunkana type tool.

4. Klik menu Layer – Flatten Image untuk menggabungkan layer efek api dan Background menjadi layer Background.

5. Klik menu Image – Rotate Canvas – 90 CW untuk memutar gambar searah jarum jam (CW = Clock Wise).

6. Klik menu Filter – Stylize – Wind (from the left) untuk member efek Wind(angin bertiup). Jika efeknya kurang terasa, lakukan efek wind sekali lagi.

7. Klik menu Image – Rotate Canvas – 90 CCW untuk memutar gambar searah jarum jam (CW= Counter Clock Wise) agar gambar kembali ke posisi semula.

8. Tambahkan efek Diffuse, Klik menu Filter – Stylize – Diffuze, Mode : Normal. KlikOK.

9. Lanjutkandengan efek Gaussian Blur, Klik menu Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur, Radius : 1 pixels. Klik OK.

10. Gunakan efek gelombang, Klik menu Filter – Distort – Ripple. Amount ; 100%, Size : small. Klik OK.

11. Klik menu Image – Mode – Grayscale untuk mengubah ke mode warna grayscale. Jika ada pesan untuk mengabaikan color information. Klik Discard.

12. Ubah ke Mode Indexed Color untuk mengambil set warna, klik menu Image – Mode – Indexed Color.
13. Buka Color Table, klik menu Image – Mode – Color Table, pilih Black Body (set warna api yang bergradasi hitam – merah – kuning). Klik OK.

14. Gambar yang didapatkan adalah seperti berikut:

Selasa, 10 September 2013



1)     Give a brief explanations about their policy and invention for each oh them:

Herman William Daendels
Thomas Stamford Raffles
 Van Den Bosch
Conrad Theodore van Deventer
Van der Cappellen
Willem Janssen

2)     Use picture in your explanations!


1. Herman Wiliam Daendels
Herman William Dendels, the Dutch government sold Gubernemen lands to private parties. At first he sold the lands confiscated from the royal offerings Jasinga ground. Later, he sold land area of ​​about Batavia, which is usually called Ommelandene. This policy was taken after the Indonesian government Daendels in financial difficulties due to war against the British led coalition troops. Dutch financial resources until the year 1830 is the coffee plantations, the salt monopoly, monopoly spices, and land tax Raffles heritage. Van den Bosch propose a policy called Cultuurstelsel or Forced Land Systems. While the main points of the policy is that under the agreement ni, one-fifth of the population of Indonesia provide land for planting crops set Gubernemen. Residents who do not have the required ground work for the government for 66 days in a year. 

2. Thomas Stamford Raffles
In the reign of Thomas Stamford Raffles, the British colonial government to implement economic policy based on liberal principles. He adopted the British economic policies imposed on India. The policy, among others Landrent System. The person who owns the land from the government and the tenant must pay the rent tax called ground rent. Raffles set the estate tax at 2/5 harvest, may be paid with cash crops or money. Given that the land tax, abolished Kerja Rodi. This is due to Kerja Rodi was arbitrary and not making real money.

3. Van Den Bosch                   
      When Van Den Bosch Dutch government holding, he implemented policies Tanam Paksa for Indonesian people. Dutch colonial rule lasted until the 1900s                                        

4.Van der Cappellen
   Van der Capellen pemerintahnnya of the year during 1817 -1830 , applying liberal political and economic policies . By conservatives as economic hardship that befell the Netherlands , the policy of liberal economic policy has failed . During its development , the liberals and conservatives dominate successive parliaments and governments . These circumstances affect the political and economic policy in Indonesia as a colony also turns to follow the existing policy in the Netherlands .
In the Netherlands alone there are 2 camps are arguing :

   1 . Liberal stronghold

Have confidence that the colonies would be profitable for the Dutch economic affairs if left entirely to the private sector , without government interference . Colonial government only taxes and as a supervisor .

   2 . Conservative stronghold

Believes that the colonies would benefit the Dutch economy if affairs are handled directly by the government . Indonesia is not yet ready to implement liberal economic policies .

           Failure van der Capellen dropped liberals , in parliament and government dominated by conservatives . At the time of the Governor -General van den Bosch , implement conservative economic policies and politics in Indonesia. In 1830 began to apply the rules of peonage ( forced labor ) who disebur Cultuurstelsel . Cultuurstelsel in English is the Cultivation System, which has the meaning of cropping systems . But in Indonesia Cultuurstelsel better known as cultivation . This stands to reason as it is interpreted in practice because people are forced to work and grow crops without being obliged to return . Crop plants are required to conduct trade internationally as coffee , tea , pepper , quinine and tobacco .
            Cultuurstelsel treated with the aim to earn as much as possible in a relatively short time . With the expectation that the debts of the Netherlands in the face of Napoleon's war and faced resistance kingdoms in Indonesia can be overcome . Cultuurstelsel main points include :

   1 . People are obliged to prepare a fifth of arable land required for crops planted .
   2 . Cropland compulsory tax-free , because the results are paid as taxes .
   3 . Any excess of the amount of tax yields will be refunded .
   4 . Effort and time required for the plants mandatory , should not exceed the time required to grow rice .
   5 . The people who do not have the required ground work for 66 days in a year in     garden or government -owned factories .
   6 . If there is damage or crop failure is the responsibility of the government .
   7 . Implementation left entirely to the cultivation of the native rulers ( village chief ) .

If you look at the points Cultuurstelsel when done properly is a good rule . However, in practice much of the specifics or in other words a deviation occurs . Deviations , among others :

   1 . Land should be handed over the masses tend to exceed the provisions fifth , intended as a    backup if the results are less favorable .
   2 . Land planted with crops shall remain withdrawn tax .
   3 . The people who do not have a claim turns out to work in factories or plantations more than       66 days or fifth year .
   4 . Excess of the amount of tax yields were not returned .
   5 . In the event of crop failure turned out to be borne by farmers .

This deviation occurs because the native rulers ( village head ) tempted by the lure of the Dutch system cultuur procenten apply .
Cultuur Procenten is :
Gifts or gratuities from the government for implementing cultivation ( native rulers , village heads ) who can submit harvest exceeds the provisions are applied in a timely manner .

This mebuat native rulers intensified push people to work extra hard , no matter the rules or the points in the culture system . Gifts or gratuities are the main objectives in addition to praise from the Dutch Government . Poverty and suffering of the people who do not care about getting worse . Areas that suffer a lot of them :

   1 . Sala in the valley area which covers an area of Surakarta , Yogyakarta and Madiun .
   2 . In the area of 
​​the Brantas valley especially in Kediri , Surabaya and Besuki ( Eastbourne ) .
   3 . In Tuban and Jepara port area .
   4 . In the Priangan .
   5 . In West Sumatra , especially since the 1840s .

    Cultivation Thanks to that, between the years 1830 - 1870 ( in 40 years ) , Government of the Netherlands to benefit 823 million guilders . With that money , the Dutch East Indies government treasury can be fully recharged again , only about 33 million guilders . The rest is used to build railroads and government buildings in the Netherlands .

5.Willem Janssen
 Governor general of the Dutch East Indies were only replacements Daendels briefly in power,one year (1881). He is a former governor colong Cape (South Africa). Janssens when Englandbegan to threaten the ruling powerHer priority is to deal with attacks that have been urgedBritain and instead continue the development that has been initiated Daendels palace for his residence.

On August 1811 the UK really attack led Batavia with Lieutenant General Sir SamuelAuchmuty so Dutch-French troops had to retreat to Mesteer CornelisBritish forces after abattle victory at Meester Cornelis Janssens and troops surrendered (August 26, 1811). Itmarked the beginning of the 1811-1816 period of British colonialism under Thomas StamfordRaffles.

6. Conrad Theodore van Deventer
   Theodore van Deventer (1857-1915) is known as a Dutch jurist and also figure the Ethical Policy . He's at a young age went to the Dutch East Indies . In ten years , Deventer has become rich , because private plantation estates and airline emerging BPM oil when it requires a lot of advisory services hukum.Pada a letter dated 30 April 1886 addressed to his parents , Deventer suggests the need for a more humane act for natives would fear for Spain experienced bankruptcy due to mismanagement of the colony .
Then in 1899 Deventer wrote in the magazine De Gids ( Guide ) , entitled Een Eereschuld ( debt of honor ) . Understanding the substasial Eereschuld is " honor debts to be paid , even if not in demand upfront judge " . It consists of concrete figures on the Dutch public that explains how they became prosperous and safe country ( the railways, dams , etc. ) is the result of colonization which comes from the Dutch colonies in the East Indies ( "Indonesia " ) , while the Indian Netherlands when it was poor and backward . So it is appropriate if such property is returned .
As a member of the Dutch Parliament Deventer , he received a ministerial duty of the colonies Idenburg to prepare a report on the economic situation of indigenous people in Java and Madura . Within a year , successfully complete the task Deventer (1904 ) . With open Deventer revealed a sad state , then the firm has blamed government policy .
Around the mid -19th century began to appear in the Dutch humanist movement spearheaded by , among others, Conrad Theodore van Deventer ( 1857-1915 ) . This movement emerged after news of the Dutch East Indies colonial behavior , specifically the practice of oppression . The motion judge that the Dutch have owed 
​​much to the Dutch East Indies . The Netherlands has taken many of the colonies , practically without giving anything . This motion requires a favorable change in the form of unilateral relationship into a mutually beneficial relationship ( Symbiosis mutualism ) .
The people who belong to groups such as other humanitarian : Walter Baron Van Hoevel , Fransen Van De Futte , also a Prime Minister Torbeck came forward to defend the interests of the Indonesian people . At that time considered to be the most successful figures change with the Dutch people's opinion a work of writing is " Douwes Dekker " with the pseudonym " Multatuli " . Who managed to write a work book called " Max Havelaar " .
Dutch Ethical Policy was initially formulated raises when the pro and cons , both among intellectuals , politicians and clergy ( the church ) in the Netherlands . There are some who oppose ( the levels are quite loud ) in the Dutch Parliament , but on the other hand there are supporting this program that they deem as ' humane ' or even as ' moral obligation ' to the people of Indonesia . Many people connect the new policy is the Dutch political thought and writings tulsian Van Deventer published some time earlier , so Van Deventer was then known as the originator of this ethical politics .
Ethical elaboration by Van Deventer was conceived in the form of irrigation, education and emigration . The support is initially emerged from the Dutch capitalists and industrialists who essentially wants to market its industry while economic betterment of the people first and the second Indonesia.Kebijakan abused by the Dutch government to construct irrigation for Dutch plantations and emigration is done by moving the population to Dutch plantation area to be used as forced labor . Only meaningful education for Indonesia .
Social improvement is visible starting addressed , among others, in terms of education . Why is this done ? Therefore , the problem of education ( education ) hardly explored and was deliberately not dealt before the Ethical Policy was initiated . This is reflected in the writings of Van Deventer in the magazine De Gids ( 1908 ) as follows : " Until recent times , most of us think of education no intelligence and refinement of intellect pekeerti Bumiputera nation . Originally paid tax , duty levy and planting done , not the origin of life of the people miserable , memadailah . Then the fun of the government . "
In 1905 , an election year in the Netherlands , Van Deventer and his friends to win the Dutch Parliament , which because they are key actors in the formation of the cabinet . A member of the Liberal Democrats , D. Fock , became Minister of Colonies . He's willing to promote and expand the education of the natives . This effort supported by Snouck suggestions and concepts , a professor indolog in Leiden ( 1906 ) who suggested that the Dutch colonial government to provide education to the indigenous elite in the best tradition of the West who will be expected to be an important figure in the widely influential Indonesian society .
In keeping with the spirit of the Ethical Policy , the Dutch colonial government expanded the number of schools . Ethical political influence in the field of teaching and education all play an important role in the development and expansion of education and teaching in the Dutch East Indies . One of a group of highly ethical instrumental in this field is Mr . J.H. Abendanon (1852-1925) that the Minister of Culture , Religion , and Crafts for five years ( 1900-1905 ) . Since 1900 these schools stand , both for the aristocracy and the common people are almost evenly distributed in these areas .
 In 1903 started grammar school founded called Volk School ( village ) with a 3-year study period was followed denmgan program Vervolg School ( Secondary School ) with a 2-year study period . With the previous school like this and then proceed to subsequent years , for example , called Meer Uitgebreid Leger Onderwijs ( MULO ) , which is a school with a junior high education level, level in the Dutch period and program Algemeene Middelbare School ( AMS ) which is equivalent to high school education level .
Although it seems fairly well established objective forms of schooling on top , but in practice , even if not directly , there is a tendency discriminatory . The trend was seen in the case of school children how to filter . The trick is to impose school fees are quite expensive , and are often preferred for families who have blue blood ancestry ( royal blood , royal blood ) or from among the " gentry " ( pangreh civil or an employee in the office of the Dutch government ) . Therefore , for the community down , then only from members of the community or the rich who are able to send their children to a high enough level of education . For community members who are less poor dispossessed or forced not to put their children to school , or at least forced to take other alternatives , for example, put their children into boarding school .
One thing that is undeniable is that the aim of the school is conducted in the Netherlands is not purely merely to empower public education , but rather to generate power bureaucrats ( in accordance with the level of education ) to be recruited in technical positions in the colonial administration Netherlands . For example , since 1864 the Dutch had introduced a test program called Klein Ambtenaars ' Examen , which is a program service exam that must be taken in order to lower a person can be appointed as a government employee . Therefore , it seems clear that a program to create low-level bureaucrats are quite prominent , especially after the year 1900 the school introduced Opleiding School voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren ( OSVIA ) , which is a school that is prepared to be public servants for the indigenous community . Thus there is a strong impression that the educational activities is to smooth the economic and political Netherlands .
Implementation of ethical policy not without criticism . Indo circles , which socially are second class citizens but legally including Europeans feel left out . Among them there is dissatisfaction because of the construction of educational institutions simply addressed to the natives ( exclusive ) . Consequently , the mix can not go to that place , while the choice for them for higher education should go to Europe , which are very costly

7. Multatuli
MAX - Havelaar

            Multatuli is the pseudonym of Edward Douwes Dekker , born in 1820 in Amsterdam . He was raised in a Protestant family of simple , where it causes a lot of trouble because the character is restless and difficult . Because his parents wanted him to be a priest , then in 1832 he entered the school called Latijnse School ( Latin School ) , where he failed to finish school . Somehow some tender then he worked at a trading office in Amsterdam but it failed too .
            The hope of a new opportunity in the colonies , at the age of 18 he sailed to the Dutch East Indies with his father . He then worked in the Netherlands , namely the Financial Supervisory Board in Batavia , it turns out he was at his job . Dekker associated with a Catholic girl named Caroline Versteegh , but hubungnnya foundered because Dekker is not good at spending money.
Max Havelaar Multatuli work is a novel anti-colonial bercitra . Novel Max Havelaar is very popular among intellectuals and figures of Indonesian independence movement before the second world war . Surprisingly , the literature has been translated into various languages 
​​, the new edition published in Indonesian in 1972 , translated by HB Jassin writers . Max Havelaar and currently can be found in the new edition is the result of a translation of Andi Tenri W.
This book was written in the 1859 season by Multatuli in a simple guesthouse in Belgium . Contains sharp criticism on the ideology of colonialism . This book opens the eyes of the world , and how cruel pangs of a sense of oppression .

            Max Havelaar 's book is " singing " aka Multatuli Douwes Dekker as seen inequalities Dutch government against the people in the colony . Douwes Dekker had controleur positions ( top Dutch civil servants ) in Natal , North Sumatra , and then transferred to Padang , West Sumatra , Rangkas Bitung , Lebak , Banten as well . He always opposed the policy of his superiors who are always detrimental to the natives .
During a stint as a government stooge Netherlands , Douwes Dekker always strongly rejected the model of the Dutch government . Who became the starting point of criticism and opposition , because of injustice and deprivation that made 
​​the Netherlands . Douwes Dekker sympathize with the indigenous people of the persecuted and oppressed .
Douwes Dekker often see the judicial process that cheating and other cheating also carried out by the Dutch government which is clearly detrimental to the population . Various dibeberkannya case , for example , the case of an adopted child Pamaga Sutan Salim is accused of trying to kill my master and controleur Dutch Christmas at Christmas .
Because of his persistence to defend the natives , Douwes Dekker never suspended . In fact , the more painful heart , Douwes Dekker wages paid only half of it . As a result of this resistance in 1856 Douwes Dekker was dismissed from his post . Even the Dutch government had demanded Douwes Dekker to court .
After losing the case , Douwes Dekker was sent back to Europe . But the spirit of stiff resistance and rebellion does unflagging . The Dutch government can not remove the " ideology " Multatuli . By renting a modest apartment in Belgium began to fight .